EArte ALyC aims to catalog theses and dissertations on Environmental Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. To do this, we follow the following procedures:
The theses uploaded to the online or offline Form (as the case may be) are those that have gone through - without exception - (i) the Excel sheet where the pre-selected theses are housed and (ii) the review of at least two principal researchers.
Once these two steps have been completed and approved by two principal researchers (in some cases: two internal researchers from the country, or pairs from different countries), they are authorized to be included in the EArte ALyC Database. The source of information for uploading to the online or offline Form is the SUMMARY of the THESIS DOCUMENT. It is not the summary that appears in the Repository. We resort without exception to the SUMMARY of the THESIS DOCUMENT.
We strictly follow the loading guidelines of the Form. It is very important for subsequent processing that the answers are loaded strictly in the requested format. We must always respect the writing as it appears in the original source (the thesis document), unless the form indicates otherwise.
We observe the use of capital letters, lowercase letters, and corresponding accents. If there is no information for a mandatory question, WE DO NOT INVENT: we enter triple zero in numbers: 000. We enter triple 000 in the "Other" option when the question has answer options and it is not possible to find the appropriate one. In cases of questions with multiple options, but it is not possible to classify the thesis with the provided categories, only mark the "Other" option and complete as appropriate.
1.1. They explicitly state, among the research questions or one of the objectives, general or specific, the intention to investigate cases related to environmental education and the relationship between environmental issues and the educational process.
1.2. They explore aspects and foundations of environmental issues related to the educational process in general and to environmental education in particular.
1.3. They explore aspects of the educational process, relating them to environmental issues and/or environmental ideas, including those that analyze and/or present educational proposals, sequences of teaching units, didactic resources, or media involving aspects of environmental issues.
1.4. They explore concepts, representations, perceptions, knowledge, visions, ideas, knowledge, and meanings related to environmental issues, developed in educational contexts or simply motivated by them. For example, a mapping or diagnosis of conceptions/representations/perceptions constitutes a stage of an educational process (it may have occurred in school or other educational and social environments) and may serve as support or input for the development of a future educational proposal.
1.5. They explicitly state concepts, representations, perceptions, knowledge, visions, ideas, knowledge, and meanings related to pedagogical senses in practices associated with environmental conflicts. This includes social organizations, unions, companies, NGOs.
2.1. They do not refer to environmental issues or environmental education.
2.2. They explore aspects of the educational process, but do not establish relationships with the environment and environmental ideas.
2.3. They refer to environmental issues but not to educational processes, including those that diagnose or study the environmental conditions of various areas (conservation areas, urban and rural environments, etc.) but do not refer to education, environmental education, or educational processes centered on environmental issues.
2.4. They explore concepts, representations, perceptions, knowledge, visions, ideas, knowledge, meanings related to environmental issues that are still not developed in educational contexts or do not refer to educational processes.
3.1. They refer to environmental issues or the foundations of environmental problems and their relationship with educational processes without including evidence of this relationship in the research process.
3.2. Works that focus on various educational processes (e.g., special education, scientific education, artistic education, health education) and indicate the motivation, reasoning, or perspective of environmental education.
3.3. They explore aspects of the educational process, but do not clearly state the relationship with the environment and environmental ideas.
3.4. They outline a reflection on the educational process or environmental education amidst other environmental issues that would be the main focus.
3.5. Works that bring surveys of profiles, environmental strategies, environmental management, and/or environmental conditions (diagnosis), citing but without evidence of the insertion of the educational process in the research.
3.6. They only refer to themselves as environmental education.
1.1. Geographical location of the thesis fieldwork (if there is fieldwork)
Refers to the geographical locations where the fieldwork of the research is carried out. The locations, provinces, or regions where the fieldwork of the research is focused are specified. This may be different from the jurisdiction where the Higher Institution that conducted the postgraduate thesis is located. Separate the locations with a semicolon. For example, for two locations (note that there is no period after Colombia): Bragado, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Ibagué, department of Tolima, Colombia.
1.2. Type of geographical universe of the research
Refers to the type of space addressed in the content of the thesis (rural, urban, rural-urban, others). You can select more than one option. Use the Others option only if the thesis is developed in an unclassified geographical universe.
Indicative descriptor of the educational context covered by the research, either in relation to any fieldwork or in the direction of reflection for an educational context according to the intention of the research author. This descriptor is divided into four fields (contexts) -school, non-school, policy and/or management in educational processes and environment and "others"- which can be the focus of the school context and the non-school context in a single research.
2.1. Non-School Context
Identifies the elements that show the direction of the work for non-school educational processes or related to informal or non-formal education, aimed at the general population or specific groups of the population.
2.2. School Context
Identifies the elements that have a direction or concern of the author with a certain level of school education. The terminology used for the levels tried to follow the National Education Law (LEN) No. 26.206/2006. The structure of the National Educational System comprises four levels and eight modalities
2.3. Policy and/or Management in Educational Processes and Environment
Includes works that focus on the analysis of public or private management policies in educational processes and the environment.
2.4. Others
Identifies works that do not relate to any specific educational context, whether school or non-school, that is, works that relate to the educational phenomenon without yet making specific reference to any educational space or level.
a) Educational levels (as stated in the LEN)
i) Early Education: constitutes a pedagogical unit and includes children from forty-five days to five years of age. Early childhood/early education/first childhood (0-5/6 years).
ii) Primary Education: constitutes a pedagogical and organizational unit aimed at the education of children from six years of age. Elementary/Primary school (6-11/12 years).
iii) Secondary Education: constitutes a pedagogical and organizational unit aimed at adolescents and young people who have completed the Primary Education level. Secondary Education is divided into two (2) cycles: one (1) Basic Cycle, common to all orientations, and one (1) Oriented Cycle, diversified according to different areas of knowledge, the social world, and work. It also includes Secondary Level Technical Professional Education. Middle school/high school (12-17/18 years).
iv) Higher Education: Includes the educational proposals of university education institutions, comprising universities and university institutes, undergraduate (intermediate and post-titles), graduate, and postgraduate degrees; and also all training options of non-university higher education institutions, whether teacher training, humanistic, social, technical-professional, or artistic. Includes works related to university extension programs or non-university higher education institutes.
v) Others: includes, for example, qualifications such as vocational training that require only completed primary education.
b) Educational modalities (according to LEN)
i) Technical Professional Education: it is the modality of Secondary Education and Higher Education responsible for the training of medium-level technicians and higher technicians in specific occupational areas and professional training.
ii) Special Education: it is the modality of the educational system aimed at ensuring the right to education of people with temporary or permanent disabilities, in all levels and modalities of the Educational System.
iii) Artistic Education:
• Training in various artistic languages for children and adolescents, in all levels and modalities.
• The artistic modality aimed at specific training at the Secondary Level for students who choose to follow it.
• Artistic training provided in Higher Education Institutes, which includes teacher training in various artistic languages for different educational levels and specific artistic careers.
iv) Permanent Education of Youth and Adults: it is the educational modality aimed at guaranteeing literacy and meeting school attendance requirements for those who have not completed it at the regulatory age, and providing educational opportunities throughout life.
v) Rural Education: it is the modality of the educational system of the levels of Early, Primary, and Secondary Education aimed at guaranteeing compulsory schooling through forms appropriate to the needs and particularities of the population living in rural areas.
vi) Intercultural Bilingual Education: it is the modality of the educational system of the levels of Early, Primary, and Secondary Education that guarantees the constitutional right of indigenous peoples to receive an education that contributes to preserving and strengthening their cultural patterns, language, worldview, and ethnic identity; to actively participate in a multicultural world and improve their quality of life.
vii) Education in Contexts of Deprivation of Liberty: it is the modality of the educational system aimed at guaranteeing the right to education of all persons deprived of liberty, to promote their integral formation and full development.
viii) Home and Hospital Education: it is the modality of the educational system in the levels of Early, Primary, and Secondary Education, aimed at guaranteeing the right to education of students who, for health reasons, are unable to attend an educational institution regularly at the levels of compulsory education for periods of thirty (30) consecutive days or more.